Tuesday, April 17, 2007

l(a leaf falls)oneliness

That is a weird title for a very beautiful poem. I have already known that the poet, e. e. cummings is really an out-of-this-world poet, I mean most of the weirdest poems that the world has produced were from his hands. His pattern was very puzzling and intriguing. Where in the whole wide universe will you ever find a title of a poem like the ones in the title of this post. But the way the poem was delivered was really spectacular. The romance was enlivened like it will never live again. The words were flowery than the garden of the most flower-lover of the world. The meaning of the poem was well conveyed. I can really say that e. e. cummings is really a very talented poet, as what is presented to me in his poem l(a leaf falls)oneliness. But what is puzzling is that why did he associate a falling leaf with the idea he presented in the poem? And why did he arrange the letters like that? I think the arrangements of the letters suggests the movement of a falling leaf.




But does a leaf fall in a straight line? Notice that in the second, third, and fourth line the height of the letters goes on alternately. 'l' is taller than 'a' and it was put firstly than 'a'; then on the second line a smaller letter came first than a much taller 'f' and it went on alternately in the next line. I think it suggests a flipping of a falling leaf. And I also think that the poet wrote this while watching a falling leaf itself, so that he was inspired.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

research study

On our Research I subject, we were asked to think of a topic that would be proposed as a study for Research II. Of course it should be a scientific topic. I proposed all about Bioremediation. It is a method of treating oil spill using certain bacteria. Two types of bacteria are chosen to be studied. These bacteria eats the oil that stays at the surface of the water, causing the decrease of the oil density in the water. The performance of the two bacteria in treating oil spill will be compared afterwards, a conclusion will be drawn, and a recommendation will be made. That was my research proposal. I defended it before a line of panelists, but it was not accepted as a study for Research II.
The whole batch was divided into several groups, each given a research topic to perform, and defend. I belonged to Ms. Yee's group. And it was her proposal that was given to us. In short, she was our leader. The topic was about the comparison of two types of animal manure, including their mixtures, as a fertilizer in the growth of okra plants. The other members of the group were Mr. Mendoza, and Ms. Cabalida. The two types of animal manures were from the horse's and from the cow's. Their performance will also be compared to the performance of loam soil alone, which means no treatment of fertilizer.
The research started as early as May, because we all know that this was going to be a long experiment. Unfortunately, I was not informed of the early preparations. Since the classes still had not yet opened, and Ms. Yee and Ms. Cabalida found no means of communicating me, I missed the first part of the experiment. It was only on the first day of the school year that I had known that they had already started the experiment.
We continued the experiment as early as the first day, and for the forst time we did the experiment together. We toiled daily in cultivating the plants, protecting them from unwanted foreigners, measuring any gain in weight and fruit bearings, and watering them. We went through thick and thin, that there was even a time that we went under the showering clouds just to do the measurements. We did these things until October.
After the defense, we felt the utmost happiness that we completed finally the research study and made it a success.


What is KYSD? It is an annual school activity of the University of the Philippines High School done on the later part of the school year. The acronym means: Know Your School Day. The objective of the activity is to give the students the chance to feel the joy, the pressure, and the thrill of being either a subject teacher, a clerk, or even a principal. I do not know how and when the idea of this activity all started, but I found this one very significant and enjoyable that a school year must not miss to have. That is what KYSD is all about-- an activity of utmost importance and fun.
When I was on my first year in this school, I did not expect that an activity like this KYSD existed. It was because there was no such activity like this that I had encountered when I was still in my elementary days. I got no idea about what this activity was all about. I needed an extensive explanation. At length I found myself fully understood the concept and aim of this KYSD. Being a shy type of a student, I had already imagined myself in front of my classmates while teaching them some lessons on my own words. I was shy to even dare myself on trying. It was as if I found it unbearable, especially that it was still my first year in that school and that I still have not known my classmates very well. What would they think of me? My imagination ran through the negative. Therefore, I decided not to apply for any position at all.
Now in this year I had already known my classmates very, very well. Do you think that I can now bear to stand in front of them and teach them the way our real teacher teach us? I can, but I decided not to. I was shy to even dare myself in trying. I left the application to the others and I found that there are many people that really wanted to try and take the challenge. Almost all the subjects that were taught there was an applicant-- in Math, in Physics, in English, etc.
I decided to be just a student. What I felt when I was taught by my classmate? I felt great. I found them very good in teaching. Their styles, though slightly different from our real teachers, were also effective. I learned a lot from them and I felt I made a wrong decision of not to try applying for a position. I felt it was a regretful decision. But there is no more next KYSD for me. This is my last year in High School.
Therefore, I recommend to whom this may concern,the students from the lower years, that you must try participating in this yearly activity.

the look

The haunting look of an eye-- the soul peeps through its window. The eye seems to hold the greatest power that a human body can possess. One look and everything may change. The eyes can exert a huge amount of force to a someone's heart and mind. It is said that if you are unsure of a man's true feelings, look through his eyes. Yes, because the eyes is the only window through your soul. In there you can see how emotions, and feelings and sentiments revolve around a person's body. In a depressed or sad body, there in his eyes you would see chaos, and in a body plunged in deep felicity, his eye would be an eternal garden to the beholder. That is how mysterious and wonderful the organ of seeing is. Without it, the world will quiver, will shatter, will speed into the bottomless space, and if it has a mouth and could speak, it would say: “ So long with you, eyeless people!”
The poem by Teasdale defines a simple point: that the eye has more power to give than any other part of the body. The lips when they implant a kiss has power to give but there is no mystery. Apparently a kiss was given because of some positive reasons. No negative ones. So the mind of the one who received the kiss will not haunted through day and through night. A kiss is not robed in mystery. But the eye-- the piercing, quick bouncing of light on an eye-- is encompassed wholly by all sorts of mystery. Any reasons can be possibly taken into consideration when the look of an eye is given to a someone. These reasons can be taken regardless whether it is positive or negative. A sudden, quick glance can mean many things. And if the mystery endures, it can haunt the receiver night and day, night and day, night and day.
The mysterious eyes, the look it can give: it remains one of the existing mysterious things of the world. Though science has given its part of the explanation of how the eye works, the emotions that is driven with the light that has bounced on the eyes remains a thing of wonder and of question. Countless of people had wronged how others glance at them.
These little windows can widen, reduce their size, sharpen themselves, glimmer, or pour out some drops of tears just to let others see how the atmosphere goes on inside the soul of the owner, on a single haunting look.